PolarCow commented on a list
Listal's Favorite Animated Films (The Results) (353 movies items)
"OK, here we go: 1. The Lion King 2. Wall-E 3. Ratatouille 4. The Iron Giant 5. Nightmare before Christmas 6. Beauty and the Beast 7. The little mermaid 8. Princess Mononoke 9. Laputah: Castle in the "
11 years, 12 months ago
PolarCow commented on a list
Retired Superheores โ by HeLweNdeR (17 movies items)
"The magican is Mandrake. :) And the last one I guess is Poseidon from the little mermaid (Disney)"
12 years, 2 months ago
PolarCow commented on a list
12 years, 9 months ago
PolarCow commented on a list
13 years, 6 months ago